
As Creative Director and Owner, I am the heartbeat of Butler Graphics. The branding, design, printing, and web world have been my passion. I even remember the very first painting I did in preschool—a colorful mix of flowers in a pot. Not that anyone knew what it was but it was beautiful to me!
After high school, I knew I wanted to design. I wanted to design anything and everything. Furniture, architecture, clothing, interiors, costumes, and on and on. In my first year of college, I took the basics which included advertising design and I was hooked.
Working for a print company and then an advertising agency as an alpha-tester for Apple, I was thrilled to learn a new and budding technology that wasn’t even on the market for the general consumer, yet. At the time there were no version numbers on testing software, some of which are still used today with double-digit version numbers, now!
After working for a couple of design agencies I started working for myself in 1983 and still love getting up in the morning to run Butler Graphics, a full-service agency offering branding, marketing, design, printing, and websites.
I hope you enjoy taking a look at just a bit of my work on this website.